...becoming an Australian citizen - 2010

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Surprise! (a poem)

In St Vincent, our rival training place in Gosport,
Took place the annual competition of all sport.
I was the backstroke exponent on the Ganges team;
The St Vincent lad was the biggest boy I’d ever seen!

The race (we had included our second string as well)
I won, a group photo was taken with this brand new pal.
Many years went by, though we did not know it then,
But we did serve, almost two years later, together again.

We’d go ashore for a few beers, and a hot curry too.
No one asked of your background, neither did you.
Nearly 50 years later, living in Australia we were the same;
Our friendship still so strong, over years never did it wane!

We both thought we had first met, on old H.M.S. Crane,
Never then thinking we might meet each other again.
But meet we did, discussing our life since that time,
His wife got out the photos, as as well as the wine.

Low and behold one was of the swim team in ‘53!
There was Tony, and alongside him? Yes, it was me!
Over all that time, after a race and the water polo game,
Such friendship to have, not many can make claim.

The big guy in the front row is Tony - that's me to the right of him...

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